
Privacy Policy

We believe your private information should be just that, private. To operate our services we need to collect some personal information about you. This policy explains what we do and why we do it.

What we collect

We ask for your name, DOB, email address and area of injury when you book an appointment at Physioflexx. This is to begin collecting relevant medical information about you to build a clinical picture allowing our Physiotherapists to clinically reason and diagnose what may be causing your pain.

How we store the information

We take great care to keep your personal information safe. Physioflexx and its databases operate within a secure diary management platform, Cliniko (Red Guava Pty Ltd). That is only accessible with a specific username and password to each member of the Physioflexx team. This is further secure with password protected computers and ipads. This system also operates with a privacy mode taking away all patient names to further insure no other patient booking can see who is booked into Physioflexx. Further to this all our systems and servers are set up with firewall to maximise security and prevent unauthorised access.

Cliniko provides a comprehensive privacy guide here

What we do with the information

Your email address is used to send you detailed information about your appointment including clinic address, information on entry systems and is used to send you appointment reminders 48 hours before your appointment so should you need to cancel this appointment you can do so within our 24 hour cancellation policy. You will only receive marketing information from Physioflexx on this email address if you consent to being kept up to date on offers, birthday discounts, clinic updates and injury prevention times. Once you have consented to these marketing alerts there is always the option to unsubscribe to these at any time. This can be found at the bottom of the email. We use Survey Monkey to send out questionnaires to gather the feedback, which remains anonymous, and we use Mailchimp for any promotional/marketing emails.

Who we share the information with

We would only ever share your information with other appropriate Allied Healthcare Professions such as GPs, Orthopaedics, Occupational Therapists, Podiatrists & Orthotists, if it were medically relevant to your care and rehabilitation and only with your consent to do so.
If you have come to Physioflexx through your insurance company following a Road Traffic Accident (RTA) then you will also sign a consent form for us to release information about your injury to your insurance company (third party).

Retention and Destruction

Our policy is in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) guidelines and are as follows:
We must retain your records for 8 years from the date of last treatment for adult records, and for children 8 years after their 18th birthday or until 25 years of age.
If you are not an active patient at Physioflexx your files will be archived but not destroyed in this time.

Once the retention period has expired we securely destroy and dispose of the records.
Further information on our duty to you as Allied Healthcare Professionals on record keeping and destruction can be found with the following link:

What we don’t and won’t ever do

We don’t and never will sell or rent your information to any third party.