Taping is a hypoallergenic material that is applied over the musculoskeletal system for a specific function.
It’s designed to mimic your skin’s elasticity so you can use your full range of motion. The tape’s medical-grade adhesive is also water-resistant and strong enough to stay put for three to five days. Also it is designed to stay in place while you work out or take showers.
As a physiotherapist, the optimum goal is to get your whole musculoskeletal system moving with harmony in relation to each other. When balance changes in your body due to an injury your body parts move differently in relation to one another leading to pain, and of course further injuries.
Taping is used to help re-gain the movement harmony and to help get rid of the pain.
If you have been injured, kinesiology tape might help improve circulation and reduce swelling in the area where you’re hurt.
There are two main types of tape: a rigid tape (McConnell tape) and a flexible tape (kinesiology tape). Each of them has its own function.
You may have seen some people in your gym or running club sporting some tape on areas of their body. It also comes in some brighter colours for those of you that do not wish the flesh coloured one.
The Rigid tape:
This tape is used to direct the bony parts of your body to certain direction during movement. An example of that is your knee joint. The patella area of your knee moves upward and outward during extension in a rotatory fashion.
Weakness within the structures that pull the patella in that direction leads to abnormal movement pattern. Consequently this may cause you pain and can lead to arthritis.
You can have McConnell tape applied to maintain the correct position of the patella, encouraging normal movement pattern. Your movement analysis takes place during your initial assessment session to decide the application technique and the direction.
Kinesio tape:
This tape has many more purposes . It can be used locally for the pain, for stimulation/inhibition of muscle activity and with the swelling. Following an injury, some of your muscles get tight leading to pain and movement restriction.
When Kinesio-tape applied in a direction opposite to the MS fibers it reduces your muscle activity helping it to relax. On the other hand, when applied in the same direction it stimulates MS activity to be stronger especially before a Marathon or an important game (usually in athletes).
You should always consult with a physiotherpist who is trained in the proper application of kinesiology tape before you try to put it on yourself.
A physical therapist will show you how to apply the tape in the pattern that will help your specific problem. Tape can be applied in an X, Y, I, or fan pattern, depending on your goals.
Live in harmony
Book Online - Physioflexx Ayrshire If you feel that you might benefit from using the tape to get ready for a sporting event, or want to relax your tense muscles or fix your postural issues.
You can get in touch by clicking here Contact - Physioflexx Ayrshire , our team at Physioflexx will be happy to help with your enquiry.
References Kinesiology Tape Benefits and Uses (healthline.com)